European institutions and governments have a complex negotiation underway for Turkey’s entry into the European Union. Many doubts and perplexities have been raised in recent years about this negotiation. Proponents of accession argue that Turkey would be a natural ally of the West against Islamic fundamentalism. But today's Turkey is no longer Kemal Atatürk's secularist one.
The 2002 elections saw the victory, confirmed in 2004, of the "party of the veil" of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gül, who come from the ranks of radical Islamists. On the other hand, the Lisbon Treaty gives the European states of the Union a political weight proportional to the demographic weight. Turkey, which is about to reach 85 million inhabitants, would be the most populated country and the one that would have the greatest number of representatives in the European Parliament.
While Europe renounces its Christian roots, Turkey has an extremely strong political-religious identity and its request for entry into the EU was not made to renounce this identity, but to impose it. With or without Erdogan, Turkey would assert itself as the leading country of the Islamic world within the European institutions, where it would play a leading role.
Would the possible entry of Turkey into Europe constitute a benefit or an irreparable catastrophe for our continent? This volume raises the problem and raises the alarm.
Turkey is a large country, located in a strategic area of the planet. Its geopolitical position, its demographic weight, its economic potential, and also the beauty of its territory and the hospitality of its inhabitants, make it a possible "partner" and certainly not an "enemy" of Europe.
However, the partnership relationship is different from full membership in European public institutions. The problem we want to raise in this study is this: would a possible entry of Turkey into the European Union - seen by the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan as "a meeting of civilizations" - constitute a benefit or a catastrophe for our continent? This is a question that we want to examine in depth and without prejudice because it directly affects our future and that of our children.
Author: Roberto de Mattei
Edition: Sugarco
Edition year: 2009
Pages: 152
ISBN: 978-88-7198-573-2