How to buy

Credit card
After confirming the order through the site, you will be directed to Stripe's secure servers that will handle the transaction with all the most popular credit cards.
The accepted credit cards are: American Express, Diners, Maestro, MasterCard and Visa.
Once your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing yours order number and a summary of the details of your purchase.
PayPal account
Pay comfortably and in maximum safety by logging into your PayPal account. After confirming the order through the site, you will be directed to the secure PayPal servers, where you can log into your account and pay with residual credit or via the linked account.
Once your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing yours order number and a summary of the details of your purchase.
Bank transfer
By choosing this payment method, once the order has been placed, it is necessary to follow the following procedure (reported via email at the time of order confirmation): causal to be reported on the bank transfer must indicate the order number is the bank transfer must be made in favor of:
Beneficiary: Associazione Fiducia
Iban code: IT 95 Y030 6909 6061 0000 0112 782
Banking practice provides that the transfer made is credited to the beneficiary's current account no earlier than 3/5 working days from its execution, consequently, the days elapsing between the date the order is placed and the date on which the Customer will prepare the bank transfer will be added to these days.
Elapsed 10 days from the date of acceptance of the order without that Edizioni Fiducia has received the credit of the bank transfer, the same will cancel the order.